Alternating between 1 and 0. Hmm! We can use number%2 that will always be 1 or 0. % means remainder division(or modular division) and gives remainder when number is divided by another number. When a number is divided by number 'n', remainder is always between 0 and n-1. So in case of division with 2, remainder is between 0 to 1 (n-1).
0 and 1 keeps on alternating in each line as well as for the next line. How about making it dependent on line both i and j say sum of i and j
line 1 element 1 -- i=1,j=1, i+j=2, 2%2=0 but we want a 1 instead. So add 1 to i+j and then mod it will 2.
Then i (outer loop variable) loops 5 times and j (inner loop variable) loops from 1 till i for each line and then goes to the next line.
i j i+j+1 i+j+1%2
1 1 3 1
next line
2 1 4 0
2 2 5 1
next line
3 1 5 1
3 2 6 0
3 3 7 1
next line
and so on.
int main()
int i,j;
return 0;
Alternating between 1 and 0. Hmm! We can use number%2 that will always be 1 or 0. % means remainder division(or modular division) and gives remainder when number is divided by another number. When a number is divided by number 'n', remainder is always between 0 and n-1. So in case of division with 2, remainder is between 0 to 1 (n-1).
0 and 1 keeps on alternating in each line as well as for the next line. How about making it dependent on line both i and j say sum of i and j
line 1 element 1 -- i=1,j=1, i+j=2, 2%2=0 but we want a 1 instead. So add 1 to i+j and then mod it will 2.
Then i (outer loop variable) loops 5 times and j (inner loop variable) loops from 1 till i for each line and then goes to the next line.
i j i+j+1 i+j+1%2
1 1 3 1
next line
2 1 4 0
2 2 5 1
next line
3 1 5 1
3 2 6 0
3 3 7 1
next line
and so on.
int main()
int i,j;
return 0;
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