XOR or Exclusive-OR is a digital logic gate. Digital Logic permits only two value or states (the binary states) of 0 and 1 as inputs or outputs. A gate usually has two or more inputs and a single output
Simply stating an XOR gate give 0 output when the inputs are same(both . When the inputs are different it gives 1 as ouput.
1 XOR 1 = 0
0 XOR 0 = 0
1 XOR 0 = 1
0 XOR 1 = 0
We can compile the result into a cleaner tabular form known as truth table.
Going with existing terminology of digital logic, we can say that 1 represent True and 0 represent False.
a b a XOR b
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
What would be 1010111 XOR 1000101
0010010 (Answer)
8 XOR 1=9?Covert both to binary equivalent and add extra zeros to left hand side if necessary
1=0001 [zeros added to left]
XOR be used to Swap binary data in following manner
a= a XOR b
b= a XOR b
a= a XOR b
Say a= 7 and b=2
binary equivalent of 7 is 111 and of 2 is 010
a= 111 XOR 010 = 101
b= 101 XOR 010 = 111
a= 101 XOR 111 = 010
a=2, b=7
In C Language bitwise XOR Operator is represented by ^ (exponent) sign.
so swap will be be done by
Simply stating an XOR gate give 0 output when the inputs are same(both . When the inputs are different it gives 1 as ouput.
1 XOR 1 = 0
0 XOR 0 = 0
1 XOR 0 = 1
0 XOR 1 = 0
We can compile the result into a cleaner tabular form known as truth table.
Going with existing terminology of digital logic, we can say that 1 represent True and 0 represent False.
a b a XOR b
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
What would be 1010111 XOR 1000101
0010010 (Answer)
8 XOR 1=9?Covert both to binary equivalent and add extra zeros to left hand side if necessary
1=0001 [zeros added to left]
XOR be used to Swap binary data in following manner
a= a XOR b
b= a XOR b
a= a XOR b
Say a= 7 and b=2
binary equivalent of 7 is 111 and of 2 is 010
a= 111 XOR 010 = 101
b= 101 XOR 010 = 111
a= 101 XOR 111 = 010
a=2, b=7
In C Language bitwise XOR Operator is represented by ^ (exponent) sign.
so swap will be be done by
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